
Tips to help drivers remain sober

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When there are more sober drivers on the road, there will be less number of accidents because almost everyone is in their sane or right mind. Drivers need to pay attention to their activities so that it would not affect their performance when they get behind the wheel.

Here are some tips that will help drivers remain sober in the long run

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Cut down on alcohol and drugs

When you reduce your alcohol and drug intake, you will be sober more often. You might only feel the effects of these substances when you take them, so if you stay away from them for a long time, you could be fine.

In this regard, you can get an accountability partner who will keep tabs on you on the amount of alcohol or drugs you take in a day.

Remain hydrated when driving

Another tip for drivers to remain sober is to always have a good supply of water around them. Water comes with a lot of benefits that everyone can leverage.

Taking enough water keeps you active or energized when you are on the road. It also helps you to make better decisions that will not put road users in harm’s way.

Get enough rest

One of the major reasons why drivers end up getting addicted is because they are used to a great deal of stress, but they have not found a way to reduce their stress levels.

Getting sufficient rest is quintessential to keeping your body in great shape, and sustaining your sobriety so that you won’t develop an addiction in the long run.

Go for regular checkups

It is important for drivers to always check in with their healthcare providers regularly. Doing this is essential in spotting underlying health problems that might be hidden from the visible eye.

Essentially, drivers need to apply some health tips like undergoing physical exercise, eating a nutritious diet, cutting down on sugar and fats, etc, to improve their chances of remaining sober.

Signs that a driver is addicted

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When a driver is struggling with addiction, they might be a danger to other drivers and pedestrians on the road especially if it is drug or alcohol addiction. Knowing how to spot an addicted driver will help to reduce the risk of accidents on the road.

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In this post, you will learn more about the signs that addicted drivers exhibit.

Poor coordination and motor skills

One of the ways to know that a driver is addicted is when they have poor coordination and motor skills. It would be challenging for them to drive the right way on the road because their coordination and motor skills are not in optimal performance.

They might be slow to respond to events on the road, which can cause accidents if care isn’t taken. If a pedestrian crosses the road hurriedly, an addicted driver might not see them in time to avoid hitting them in the process.

Drinking/Taking drugs while driving

Another way to know an addicted driver is when they take alcohol when driving or before they get behind the wheel. Many drivers who do this are aware of what their actions, but they cannot help it because of the overpowering effects that alcohol has on them.

The same applies to those struggling with drug addiction, if they take drugs before driving, they might be addicted.

Addictive habits in isolation

Many drivers struggling with addiction will prefer to carry out these habits in private. This means that people around them may not see them taking drugs, alcohol, or even other behavioral types of addiction.

Incoherent speech

If you happen to speak with an addicted driver, you might be able to tell from their speech. You will observe that they are finding it hard to communicate verbally even if they think otherwise.

Eventually, you may not get the point they are trying to make because of the influence of addiction.

Drivers who are addicted need to seek help from their healthcare provider so that they can become sober. Treating addiction among drivers is important to make the road safer for every user.


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The dangers that come along with drinking and driving are not rocket science, despite that, lots of people still engage in it. According to statistics, in just 2014, 9,967 people lost their lives in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. Below are some convincing reasons why drinking and driving is a bad idea;


This is one of the major disadvantages of drinking and driving, as the driver becomes impaired and does not understand anything. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 27 people die per day in America due to drunk driving crashes.


No company, firm, or organization wants to be associated with a law violator as it tarnishes their image. In many professions, drinking and driving conviction is more than enough reason to terminate the employment of the individual involved.


Another reason not to drink and drive is the cost of fines and payment of repairs that come with it. Not only will you have to pay for the cost of the ticket, but you are also likely to incur fines like court fees, civil penalties, and the likes.


The prospect of going to jail scares lots of people, and that should be more than enough reason to stop the bad habit of drinking and driving. Furthermore, if you cause any harm- hit someone or something, jail term could be more than a night in this situation.


 Since your actions are being taken record of, this will not be an exception. If you are being convicted of drinking and driving, the information will be added and displayed on your criminal record.

This could have negative effects on the future most especially if it is viewed by future employers or a prospective business partner.

Does Car addiction exist?

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To expressly answer this, it’s necessary to understand the concept of addiction. Addiction is a desire that comes from a short-term reward having perilous long-term consequences. In essence, addiction is a psychological demand for immediate excitement that causes long-term issues.

Observing the recent craze about cars, we can see the desire for them increase exponentially year after year. Brands improve on previous models, driving up sales, as people pour their savings into acquiring their “dream car”

We see young adults set goals for their first big win and include the need for a Car. Businesses exploit this weakness – human wants are insatiable.

Cars are beneficial in many ways. They guarantee faster transportation, style, and class. They also represent the status of the owner as models differ from another.

In contrast, cars expose us to health hazards and long-term effects. We are constantly being exposed to germs, dust, and air pollution. Our lives are always at stake as there’s always the danger of accidents and obesity. An increase in cars also causes decay in our cities and the rise of the suburbs.

The relatively small enjoyment compared to the health hazards fits directly into the definition of an addiction.

We are well aware of the health hazards we are constantly being exposed to yet we choose to enjoy the euphoria of owning a car. This addiction has driven many to their early graves as society has labeled owning a car the validation of success.

In this light, we can say our society is filled with addicts seeking satisfaction. Imagine the colossal damage that arises if a whole city is filled with opiate addicts. It’ll be a state of emergency for an epidemic. So also is the craze for cars. It is an epidemic of car addiction.

The Risk Of Opioid Intoxication

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First and foremost, opioids are “a substance used to treat moderate to severe pain. Opioids are like opiates such as morphine and codeine, but are not made from opium.” In turn, opioid intoxication – and/or overdose – occurs when someone takes too much of the drug. But what many fail to realize is the numerous amount of factors that may contribute to the overdose of the individual – for each scenario and/or situation is different. For oftentimes it depends on whether or not the individual has 1) been prescribed the opioids or is 2) taking them on his/her own accord. It is through these two factors that a plethora of problems come in the form of outcomes. 

When the individual is prescribed opioids it can be done through a healthcare provider, as a part of his/her treatment. In turn, this doesn’t pose a problem unless that particular patient has already been prescribed opioids elsewhere, and has some at his/her place of residence. When this occurs it can be both dangerous – and/or threatening – to the person’s health because he/she is able to take more than the recommended amount, and/or required dosage that he/she has been prescribed.

However, not much can be done in these instances because neither health provider is aware of the other one, resulting in a double dosage. Unfortunately, this is only one example of the medical mishap that can potentially happen to an individual, which could result in an opiate intoxication and/or overdose. But opioid intoxication is more than the addict being “high” or “euphoric”. It involves the individual’s body functions shutting down – and/or being impaired – because of the drug that he/she has taken. 

Second is those who are addicted to opioids and take them in combination with other substances. This is especially dangerous if the person takes a particular opioid with a sleeping pill. Just like with any substance, abusing them with others heightens the risk of overdose. As a result, it is important that those who are struggling with opioid addiction get help early on before it’s too late. In doing so, they can ensure that neither of these outcomes take place, and/or similar ones. An addiction-free life can then present itself, as the individual begins to work his/her way down the road towards recovery, avoiding the chance of overdose – and/or death – in the process.


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You would be surprised to hear that there is a term like car addiction and yes, it does exist.

Car addiction should not be confused with vehicle overdependence, which is basically a condition whereby an individual finds it difficult to do without a car for the purpose of commuting.

Someone who loves cars would find it hard to do without them. As a matter of fact, they do not mind stealing to get the car they love. It is very easy to spot someone who has an addiction to cars.

You will discover that they are always on the lookout for new car models. If it is within their financial capacity, they would purchase. Therefore, people like this can change their cars up to four times a year.

People who have car addiction are never satisfied, they do not like it if there are people who are using the same models as theirs, they simply want to be different.

Hence, they would try their best to ensure they stand out whenever they go out with their cars. There are a good number of features which could be responsible for a car addiction. One of them is speed.

There are some people who love fast cars; they are simply in love with the speed, and they would do anything to get a car which provides such speed.

People like this might not necessarily change cars frequently, because there are not too many fast cars around, when compared to the average top speed of most conventional cars.

Another feature is beauty. There are some people who are so taken in by the beauty of a car, and when they see another which has a better beauty, they would go for it instead.

People who love beautiful cars would not find it pleasing if they go for an outing, and they discover there are other cars which look more beautiful than theirs.

There is a thin line between loving well-crafted cars, and being addicted to them, and crossing this line is detrimental particularly to the mental health of an individual.

Luxury VS. Lowkey

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A newer model sports car breezes by with all red interior-and a slick black paint job-and in response very few people fail to recognize. They see it’s exterior way before they hear the hum of it’s engine. In fact, nearby drivers might even try and get a quick glance in hopes to see who is behind the wheel-and/or who the owner is-of what they see as nothing short of a prized possession. Shortly after they may find themselves spitting car facts about it’s “make”-that others might not be aware of-and/or have little knowledge of.

But even as several may have a deep addiction for automobiles similar to this others may find themselves puzzled, failing to understand what all the fuss is about. “It’s just a car,” they might add in the midst of conversation, but what they don’t know is that car lovers see it as so much more than that. For, there are a number of factors to take into consideration when trying to determine why someone might like a particular car-and all of these stem from it’s utilization.

Utility-and/or utilization-is defined as, “the action of making practical and effective use of something.” In relation to car utilization this can highlight aspects regarding “style, comfort, safety, and travel”. It’s through such that different principles are more easily understood.

First and foremost is style and comfort. Some may prefer one, while some may prefer the other. In fact, some may even want a car that has a little bit-and/or an equal amount-of both. Second there is safety, as some people want to ensure the safety and well being of their family, as well as themselves. In turn, they may choose something that is more of an SUV, and less like a Lamborghini. The third aspect is travel which highlights things such as how good the gas mileage of the vehicle is, in addition to how reliable the car is to get from destination to destination in rain, sleet, sun, or shine.

In conclusion, the best fit oftentimes just depends on the preference-and/or mindset-of the person. Are they fascinated by the interior, or the exterior, and if so what is there reasoning behind such? In addition, what kind of accommodations are they looking for, and what size vehicle? Factors such as these all fall under utilization as they all drive home the question of how the car will be used. In turn, these are key aspects that individuals should keep in mind no matter whether they are browsing the marketplace in search of a new vehicle, or attending a car show.