When a driver is struggling with addiction, they might be a danger to other drivers and pedestrians on the road especially if it is drug or alcohol addiction. Knowing how to spot an addicted driver will help to reduce the risk of accidents on the road.

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In this post, you will learn more about the signs that addicted drivers exhibit.

Poor coordination and motor skills

One of the ways to know that a driver is addicted is when they have poor coordination and motor skills. It would be challenging for them to drive the right way on the road because their coordination and motor skills are not in optimal performance.

They might be slow to respond to events on the road, which can cause accidents if care isn’t taken. If a pedestrian crosses the road hurriedly, an addicted driver might not see them in time to avoid hitting them in the process.

Drinking/Taking drugs while driving

Another way to know an addicted driver is when they take alcohol when driving or before they get behind the wheel. Many drivers who do this are aware of what their actions, but they cannot help it because of the overpowering effects that alcohol has on them.

The same applies to those struggling with drug addiction, if they take drugs before driving, they might be addicted.

Addictive habits in isolation

Many drivers struggling with addiction will prefer to carry out these habits in private. This means that people around them may not see them taking drugs, alcohol, or even other behavioral types of addiction.

Incoherent speech

If you happen to speak with an addicted driver, you might be able to tell from their speech. You will observe that they are finding it hard to communicate verbally even if they think otherwise.

Eventually, you may not get the point they are trying to make because of the influence of addiction.

Drivers who are addicted need to seek help from their healthcare provider so that they can become sober. Treating addiction among drivers is important to make the road safer for every user.